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Travel is the movement of people or objects between relatively distant geographical locations. 'Travel' can also include relatively short stays between successive movements.

The term "travel" originates from the Middle English word travail. The term also covers all the activities performed during a travel (movement). A person who travels is spelled "traveler" in the United States, and "traveler" in the United Kingdom.

Travel safety:
It's important to take precautions to be sure travel safety. When travelling abroad, the odds favor a safe and incident-free trip, however, travelers can be subject to difficulties, crime and violence. Some safety considerations include being aware of one's surroundings, avoiding being the target of a crime, leaving copies of one's passport and itinerary information with trusted people, obtaining medical insurance valid in the country being visited and registering with one's national embassy when arriving in a foreign country.

Many countries do not recognize drivers' licenses from other countries; however most countries accept international driving permits. Automobile insurance policies issued in one's own country are often invalid in foreign countries, and it is often a requirement to get temporary auto insurance valid in the country being visited. It's also advisable become oriented with the driving rules & regulations of location countries. Wearing a stool belt is highly advisable for safety reasons & because plenty of countries have penalties for violating seatbelt laws.


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